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you know what, Melb freelancer, you can pick up a juicer for around $70 give or take and make the most delicious apple (being Grannys of course!), carrot and celery juices. Carrots are always reasonably priced; oranges are pretty cheap at the mo too and so is celery!!! Check out Lillian Finch's recipe for healthy cupcakes with veges and cocoa - they sound yummy really; even with the addition of broccoli - yes, really. If you're on the go - you can't go past Charlie's Honest Quencher Lemonade, it's sweet/sour, so like homemade!!! OR try my Lebanese Lemonade. I think Boost Juice may just in fact, have the 'COOL' factor, like 'THE BODY SHOP' way back when. But sugar content in Boost juices and smoothies; syrups, concentrates??? Well, I would like to know too??? As I mentioned, there is a Chiropractor I read about here, in Adelaide, who has opened a juice bar (I'll have to write about him, won't I?) and alluded to the fact that other juice bars use syrups and concentrates. Now, I can only deduce from this, that he means the Boost bars, as there really aren't that many juice bars in Adelaide. Adelaide is not Queensland, after all!!!! Someone please add anything they've got on this....
by curiouser&curiouser (score: 2|526) 3859 days ago
by Melbournefreelancer (score: 2), 3859 days ago
I have a juicer, C&C, and we do use it when the urge to eat healthy descends upon us. It's just that when you're out and feel thirsty, Boost is there right around the corner. I also go to Cacao Green if I'm in the Bourke St. area. Boost does say no added sugar, but then you really can't trust anyone completely, I guess. I know I'm going to be paying close attention to proceedings when I'm there next time.