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Home > Perth > Comments > Where's the Best Thai Food in Perth?
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If you want authentic Thai (what you find on the streets in Thailand) go to Asia House every second Sunday of the Month. Or the Buddhist Temple in Nollamara each Sunday morning in the park directly opposite. Thai women lovingly cook their best and favorite dishes for sale, including endless kaeng curries, sticky rice, larb salads, som tam (papaya salad) and my favorites - thai sausage and steamed fish custards.
by halloweendee (score: 0|4) 3990 days ago
by capta (score: 0), 3990 days ago
Saowanees in North Perth has our vote as the best Thai restaurant in Perth. The owners are very involved and it shows. The food is always so fresh and often there are some really delightful special dishes. The duck curry is a stand out and the soups just hit the spot as starters. We love the salads too - Oh! we just love it all. Give it a go - sure you wont be disappointed