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Wow spring is so beautiful. Are all these places accessible by trains? I will be in Sydney 21-28 sep. Hope i can still view the blossoms.
by nanih (score: 0|8) 3562 days ago
by Linda Moon (score: 3), 3561 days ago
Hello. In reply to your question, if you are in Sydney on these dates you will be here at the very height of spring. The closest of these places to you in Sydney will be the Royal Botanic Garden. See their spring walk section. Other than that, I recommend hopping on a train to the Blue Mountains - get off at Leura or Katoomba. The Blue Mountains is one of the most popular places for a day trip out of Sydney. It takes exactly 2 hours by train. I know all this cause I live there. If you walk out of Leura station into the main street called Leura Mall, the cherry blossoms, azalea's and bulbs will be in bloom there. That is free to see. Roam the locality and you will see spring everywhere. Just be sure to check the weather report for the day/s you come up. The weather can be foul up here and very cold.