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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Where's the Best Burger in Brisbane?
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Just Poppys in Bogong Str, River Hills - Gets my 101% vote for a selection of 69 Awesome Burgers on the menu is mind boggling. My Burger of choice "Bring Back The Biff" Double Patties, Cheese sauce of choice with added Pineapple is as close to perfection as it gets.

All Patties are all Handmade and each burger can be customised to suit your taste we will not even elaborate about the fries.......My mouth is watering all over again yet I know its too early in the morning for a burger right now yet that is not a deterrent. I will and do however travel more than 1hr to lay into "Bring Back The Biff"
by gocab (score: 0|6) 2320 days ago
by Barry J (score: 2), 2316 days ago
Thanks gocab, I'm overwhelmed by the number of choices. It's 69 reasons/excuses to visit. You're right about the chips - can't have a well-balanced meal without them. I'm keen on the Queenslander burger - beetroot and pineapple, adding a fried egg to cover all the food groups :)
You should be fine to enjoy a burger in the morning - according to time zones, it's always lunchtime somewhere in the world.