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Barbie: Thumbelina (Little Golden Book) - Book Review

Home > Sydney > Books and Writing | Rainy Day | Fun for Children
by Nessa123 (subscribe)
I'm a freelance writer living in Perth, Western Australia.
Published June 19th 2012
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A Little Golden Book: Barbie Thumbelina

Barbie Thumbelina is a wonderful retelling of the classic fairytale of the tiny little lady, who strived through a lot of hardships in order to find her true love and her happily ever after.

This book teaches its readers to be kind towards others and kindness will eventually find them in return.

This hard cover book has an enchanting front cover, depicting a photo of Barbie, dressed as Thumbelina, wearing a stunning medieval type pink and purple dress and standing in a large flower will set your imagination alight thanks to the amazing photography skills of great names such as Willy Lew, Shirley Ushirogata, Greg Roccia, David Westphal, Steve Toth, Judy Tsuno and Lisa Collins.

Sue Kassirer delightfully wrote Barbie Thumbelina, with a few sentences on each page, for the young reader, who enjoys their Barbie fairytales and was beautifully illustrated by the team at S.I. Artists.

A Little Golden Book: Barbie Thumbelina was published by A Golden Book New York in conjunction with Mattel in 2003

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Why? This is an enchanting Barbie fairytale!
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