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Please be aware that the term 'Afghani' is only the name of Afghanistan's currency. A person (or people) from Afghanistan, and anything related to that country, is termed 'Afghan'. It's a common mistake and the Afghan people are generally too polite to point this out. I think it's important to correct this on their behalf.
by wendy (score: 0|2) 3710 days ago
by Justine de Jonge (score: 1), 3710 days ago
Hi Wendy,

Thank you for your comments and I'm aware.

I've used Afghan throughout where I can and I double-checked my work before submitting it.

If I've used the term Afghani, then it's because the menu item has been described this way. This has been my way of respecting the menu and keeping with the restaurant's descriptions. Their menu is viewable on the restaurant's website.

I hope this clarifies everything for you.
