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Home > Adelaide > Comments > What's Adelaide's Weirdest Pie Flavour?
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Bull Creek Bakery at Bull Creek offers homegrown beef, tasty roast chicken, lentil/vegetable, mild curried beef and fallow venison. You will find them at most of the Adelaide Hills Markets.
by soupson (score: 2|133) 3781 days ago
by amhal (score: 0), 3781 days ago
Ned Kelly Pie from Becks Bakery is great hangover materials if you can't handle making a fry up. It is a meat pie with an egg cracked on top and topped with cheese. It is so greasy the bag goes transparent but it is totally worth it.
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3781 days ago
Thanks for that, I think I have seen them at the markets.

I guess most of them are fairly standard flavours, but the venison is certainly unusual.