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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Where is Adelaide's Best Vietnamese Restaurant?
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I haven't been to Vietnam restaurant since about 1997 when I went there before moving to Vietnam. Other than that, sadly, anything west of the city is just a bit hard to get to without a car.

I do like Thanh Thanh in the city, but I haven't tried enough of their menu yet. Apparently they used to own a place on Hanson road, so at least they have Western Suburbs cred. :)
by Natasha Stewart (score: 4|10437) 4066 days ago
by Natasha Stewart (score: 4), 4066 days ago
I just need to convince someone with a car to drive me. ;)

I was sold at Thanh Thanh with their custard apple smoothies & green papaya salad. But I really need to go back and try more.

If you get to it anytime soon let me know what you think, I'll be popping up a review sometime soon if I ever get around to it. :)
by VTN (score: 2), 4066 days ago
Thanks for the comment.

I must try check out Thanh Thanh as you mentioned.

Yes, unfortunately a lot of the good Vietnamese restaurants are out in the Western suburbs, but still worth the trip if people can make it.