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Nice article. But I think you should have included White Water Rafting, it's the most preferred place in India to do that and thousands of tourists come down here for adventure sports.

Choti Wala (old) is one of the oldest traditional restaurant that serves authentic home made food.

Also, it's not in Himachal Pradesh but Uttarakhand.
by Shubhit (score: 2|155) 3817 days ago
by Shubhit (score: 2), 3817 days ago
Sorry, I might have missed it.
And yes, that's the one with the funny guy.

by Ian Marshall (score: 2), 3817 days ago
I did mention the rafting in passing but it was never something that appealed to me particularly. Choti Walas is the one with the funny painted guy out the front right? Thanks for the Uttarakhand pointer I don't remember putting that in but I'll correct it.