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21 Jump Street Film Review

Home > Sydney > Movie Reviews
Published April 10th 2012
I recently saw one of the funniest movie I've seen all year, 21 Jump Street.

Though I knew this movie was going to be great, it still managed to surprise me. Throughout the 2 blissful hours it lasted I was in tears and I never got more than a 5 minute break between laughing fits. Channing Tatum is definitely made for funny movies, not lame dance films and as for Jonah Hill? The guy is a comedy god. He's going places.

Afterwards, when my cousin and I were walking to the bus stop, I was ranting on about how I am actually going to purchase the film, and keep it forever, something people rarely do these days - I'm looking at you, pirates.

The movie starts with a blast from the past, illustrating Mr. Tatum as the typical "popular jock" (with terrible hair), and Jonah Hill as the annoying, try hard "nerd" (he looks like Eminem?) As they both graduate and become police officers, the two form an unlikely friendship that sees them through a failed "drug bust" and their transfer over to 21 Jump Street.

This is where the fun begins.

They are put back into high school and their roles are reversed. Jonah ends up Mr. Popular and Tatum is the ungeneric nerd. This combined with the crude humor, hilarious innuendos, and brilliant composition of how social groups have changed brings the movie together nicely .

If you haven't seen 21 Jump Street yet and you like to laugh, I strongly recommend you give it a watch. Even if you don't like to laugh, see it anyway. It might make you a more interesting person. The ending is the best, so don't use all your stomach muscles up before then.

Check out the trailer here!
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